U-FAB is a full-day conference with multiple classes offered each hour so you're sure to find something new to learn. Single-class registration is available. The jam is non-ticketed and is open to conference attendees and any one else who would like to attend. Detailed class descriptions can be found below the schedule.
2020 schedule Overview
8:00-8:30 AM-- Check-in; Complimentary breakfast
8:30-8:50-- Welcome; Best Practices
9:00-9:50-- First Hour
A. Face Painting 101: Paint Like a Pro from the Get-Go
B. My Best Design: Popular Designs for Festivals and Parties
10:00-10:50-- Second Hour
A. Face Reality: Using Facial Anatomy to Create Better Designs
B. Beginning Party Painting: Confidence Amid the Chaos
C. Make-Your-Own Bling: Hands-On, Take-Home Gem Clusters
11:00-11:50--Third Hour
A. Halloween and Beyond: Creating Custom Full-Face Designs
B. Party Potpourri: Extra Tools and Tricks
12:00-12:50 PM--Lunch (Catered on-site); Vendor market open
A. 12:20-12:50--Fantastic Face Painting Potential Subcontractor Information Meeting
B. 12:30-12:50--Current Fantastic Face Painting Employee Meeting
1:00-1:50--Fourth Hour
A. Face Paint Fever: Holly’s Best Designs for Boys and Girls
B. Beginning Balloon Twisting: The Fun and Easy Way to Become a Balloon Artist
2:00-2:50 PM--Fifth Hour
A. Intro to Henna: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Henna Tattoos
B. Sponging for Speed: How to Paint Faster
3:00-3:50--Sixth Hour
A. Expanding your Balloon Repertoire with Debbie Lance
B. One-Stroke Magic: Using One-Stroke Cakes to Improve Your Designs
C. Henna Fills and Structuring Complex Designs
4:00-4:50--Last Hour
A. Let it Glow! Neon and UV-Reactive Face Painting
B. Make-Your-Own Split Cakes
C. Turning your Hobby into a Business
4:50-5:00--Closing and Door Prizes
5:00-6:00 PM--Open Jam: Try out all the new techniques you learned! Open to all local entertainers.
class descriptions
Best Practices (8:30-8:50 AM)
Instructor: Fantastic Face Painting
An overview of health and hygiene safety when working with the public and general good advice for presenting yourself as a professional entertainer.
Face Painting 101: Paint Like a Pro from the Get-Go (First Hour, 9:00-9:50, Session A)
Instructor: Danielle Poulter
Beginning face painters make a lot of the same mistakes. In this class we’ll look at how to prevent those mistakes and analyze what makes a good face paint design. We’ll also experiment with the most basic face painting skills: loading a paintbrush, simple strokes, and sponging. Supplies will be provided.
My Best Design: Popular Designs for Festivals and Parties (First Hour, 9:00-9:50, Session B)
Instructors: Dawna Whitehead, Doreen Foote, Darliece Nye
These are our instructors’ best designs for boys and girls! When you paint the same design hundreds of times, you fine-tune it until it becomes second nature. These designs are proven winners for speed and visual impact!
Face Reality: Using Facial Anatomy to Create Better Designs (Second Hour, 10:00-10:50 Session A)
Instructor: Darliece Nye
Your designs will look cleaner and more beautiful when you understand some simple rules about placement on the face. Dr. Darliece Nye will use her knowledge of underlying anatomy to help you create your own original designs and really nail those designs requiring a deeper knowledge of the muscles and bones of the face.
Beginning Party Painting: Confidence Amid the Chaos (Second Hour, 10:00-10:50 Session B)
Instructor: Dawna Whitehead
If you’re more interested in face painting for your kids or maybe a classroom party, this class is for you! Learn fast and easy beginner designs that will impress the other parents. We’ll focus on 6 basic designs for boys and girls that with some variations can make up your entire party repertoire.
Make-Your-Own Bling: Hands-on, Take-home Gem Clusters (Second Hour, 10:00-10:50 Session C)
Instructor: Doreen Foote
Gem clusters are ideal for creating a beautiful focal point in many face paint designs. But they can be expensive to buy. In this class we’ll provide all the supplies to make your own bling clusters. We’ll have gems in all sizes and colors as well as glue and protector sheets. Additional materials fee applies: 20 cents per gem cluster.
Halloween and Beyond: Creating Custom Full-Face Designs (Third Hour, 11:00-11:50, Session A)
Instructor: Dawna Whitehead
There’s a demand for private makeup appointments at Halloween, Mardi Gras and other times. Or sometimes patrons at festivals have a unique full-face request that can be intimidating. Dawna will help you break down complex full-face designs to give you confidence for Halloween or any time of year!
Party Potpourri: Extra Tools and Tricks (Third hour, 11:00-11:50, Session B)
Instructor: Danielle Poulter
This class will cover all those little “extras” that you never really have time to learn about. We’ll demonstrate chunky glitter and a few application methods; We’ll discuss rolling vs. poofing your fine glitter, and where to use glitter gels effectively. We’ll also demonstrate pressed powders (like Starblends) and smart ways to use them, including with stencils. We’ll teach you how to apply glitter tattoos and what you’d need to buy to get started with them. Finally (as time allows) we’ll talk about some different methods for setting up your face painting station with pros and cons, and discuss ideas for finding places to paint.
Lunch (12:00-12:50 pm)
You can pay ($10) for a catere lunch, including drink and dessert, at the time of your registration, that will be served on site at the conference. You’re also welcome to bring your own lunch, or leave during the break. There are multiple restaurants within walking or quick driving distance of the workshop location.
Fantastic Face Painting Potential Subcontractor Information Meeting (12:20-12:50)
Are you interested in some regular face painting work? This information meeting is for beginning face painters with little or no experience who would like to work as an artist for Fantastic Face Painting. We’ll answer your questions about payment, qualification process, schedule/required availability, etc. This meeting is purely information—no commitment required. Applications will be available. Feel free to bring your lunch!
Fantastic Face Painting Employee Meeting (12:30-12:50)
This is a private meeting for returning Fantastic Face Painting Employees. Bring your lunch!
Face Paint Fever: Holly’s Best Designs for Boys and Girls (Fourth Hour, 1:00-1:50, Session A)
Instructor: Holly Lewis
Holly demonstrates her version of some top requests. Learn some popular designs from one of Utah’s best face painters, including a quick fantasy tiger, butterfly, superhero, fox, unicorn and more.
Beginning Balloon Twisting: The Simple Way to Become a Balloon Artist (Fourth Hour, 1:00-1:50, Session B)
Instructor: Danielle Poulter
Balloon twisting is easier than it looks, and is a great skill to add if you’re already a face painter! This class will start at the very beginning with a few simple twists and have you creating balloon sculptures (that don’t pop!) by the end of class! If you have balloon twisting supplies (especially a hand pump), bring them, but balloons and pumps will be provided if you don’t.
Intro to Henna: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Henna Tattoos (Fifth Hour, 2:00-2:50, Session A)
Instructors: Dawna Whitehead and Doreen Foote
Start with the very basics in this class. We’ll provide henna cones and teach you how to cut open the tips, how to adjust the rate of flow (the thickness of your lines) when squeezing your henna cone, and the basic elements that make up all henna designs. We’ll also explain what henna is and how to care for your henna tattoo, plus some background info so you can be culturally sensitive as a henna artist. Take-home practice sheets will be provided and you can keep your henna after the class. This class is geared toward those with little to no previous experience with henna.
Sponging for Speed: How to Paint Faster (Fifth Hour, 2:00-2:50, Session B)
Instructor: Danielle Poulter
Want to increase your speed as a face painter? Using sponges more effectively can cut seconds off of each design. In this class you’ll learn some specific techniques in both loading and applying paint with sponges that will give you better results than you realized were possible.
Expanding Your Balloon Repertoire with Debbie Lance (Fifth Hour, 2:00-2:50, Session C)
Instructor: Debbie Lance
Debbie Lance knows how to make difficult balloon creations look easy. Some previous experience with balloon twisting is expected, but beginners are also welcome. Debbie will demonstrate popular designs that require 2 or more balloons each. She’ll also demonstrate requested designs or help you with a design you’re struggling with.
One-Stroke Magic: Using One-Stroke Cakes to Improve your Designs (Sixth Hour, 3:00-3:50, Session A)
Instructor: Danielle Poulter
No need to fear those little multi-colored one-stroke cakes and weird angled brushes! This class will show you how simple it is to incorporate one-stroke techniques into your standard designs. You can increase speed and visual impact by using just a handful of one-stroke cakes. This will be a hands-on class with one-stroke cakes and brushes provided for practice. Make sure you bring your own, if you have them!
Henna Fills and Structuring Complex Designs (Sixth Hour, 3:00-3:50, Session B)
Instructors: Doreen Foote and Dawna Whitehead
This class will break down the steps to creating your own henna designs and good rules to follow for your freehand designs to turn out beautifully. We’ll also help you break down more complex designs you’d like to recreate, and teach you some fills that you can incorporate into any design.
Turning Your Hobby Into a Business (Seventh Hour, 4:00-4:50, Session A)
Instructor: Danielle Poulter
You’ve got business questions, Danielle has answers! She'll present some general information (for those who don't know what they don't know) but come prepared with your questions as well. This can be any question with regards to making face painting, balloons, or henna a paying job rather than just a fun hobby. Please note that we won’t get into specifics of marketing and finding gigs, since we’re all in the same market, but we’ll have plenty of useful information for running your business!
Let it Glow! Neon and UV-Reactive Face Painting (Seventh Hour, 4:00-4:50 pm, Session B)
Instructor: Dawna Whitehead
Painting with neon paint under blacklight offers unique challenges and opportunities. After this class, you’ll be confident to offer these services for blacklight parties and know how to get the most bang for your buck with neon supplies and how to apply them. Bring any neon paints or glitter you already have. Blacklights will be provided.
Make-Your-Own Split Cakes and Color Theory (Seventh Hour, 4:00-4:50 pm, Session C)
Instructor: Doreen Foote
In this hands-on course, you’ll choose your own colors to make rainbow cakes or one stroke cakes in whatever color combination you want! Doreen will give some instruction on color theory and using the color wheel to determine what colors will look best together. We’ll provide empty containers and all the paint. We’ll also have sponges and boards for you to try out your color combos before assembling them. You’ll pay for the paint you use in your cakes, but no additional fees. Make as many or as few as you want (or have time for). You can also edit cakes you currently have by cutting out and replacing only certain colors. Expect to pay about $10-$12 per rainbow or split cake.
Vendor Market (12:00-1:00; 5:00-6:00 pm)
This will be an opportunity to restock your face painting kit with paint, glitter, one strokes, brushes, and other supplies, or to buy a brand new kit if you don’t have one! There will also be balloon and henna supplies for sale. If there’s something specific you need (or want to try out in person before buying) let us know at least a couple of weeks before the workshop and we’ll do our best to have it available for you!
We’ll also have a “close-out” section of various supplies at steep discounts for you bargain shoppers!
Door Prizes
Everyone who registers for the workshop will be entered into a drawing for face painting supplies. Must be present at our closing session (4:50-5:00 pm) to win.
Open Jam (5:00-6:00 pm)
Set up your supplies and start practicing! You can try out the new techniques or designs you’ve learned during the day and ask for pointers, if needed. Your henna instructors will be doing free henna tattoos! Invite any of your painty friends to join us!
Danielle Poulter is the CEO of Fantastic Face Painting. She started the business in 2011 with her 5 sisters and they're still going strong today. She is a face painter, balloon twister, and henna artist. She loves both the artistic side and the organizational said of running a face painting business. Danielle is the mother of 6 children, ranging in age from 13 to 1. She also teaches music and enjoys reading, cooking, and distance running.
Dawna Whitehead is the VP of development and design for Fantastic Face Painting. She graduated with a BFA in Illustration from UVU in 2018. She teaches private art lessons in her home. In addition to face painting, Dawna is an extremely talented henna artist, with a large following on Instagram. She enjoys spending time with family, playing games, cooking, and travelling.
Holly Lewis is the owner of Face Paint Fever based in Lehi. She has been face painting for several years and enjoys expressing herself artistically on cute kids' faces. She is the mother of two children.
Debbie Lance is the owner of Lancelot Entertainment. Debbie began doing balloons in 2001 with a simple kit and book. She learned through experimenting. Her first large event was a school carnival and she gained confidence seeing how much her balloon creations delighted the kids. Her passion for balloon art has continued to grow and she never stops learning!
She especially loves to weave dresses and sculpt larger than life characters. She has experience in decor, and team builds. She now travels all over the state, and sometimes beyond, to perform at all kinds of events and parties.
Darliece Nye is the CFO of Fantastic Face Painting and is both a face painter and henna artist. She is a dentist practicing in Sandy and enjoys the excuse to hang out with her sisters that face painting provides. She is the mother of two little girls and enjoys making her weekly celebrity podcast "I Know Who That Is!" and home improvement projects.
Doreen Foote is a natural artist and the mother of 10 children. She works full time as an event coordinator on Temple Square in addition to doing face painting and henna on the weekends. She's been doing body art since 2011.